Yoga, the secret to better overall health?

Yoga and chiropractic care | WauwatosaDid you know that there is a method for improving your physical, mental, and spiritual health, in only a couple of hours a week? 

Yoga has long been hailed as the holy grail of exercises; it strengthens muscles, improves flexibility, and reduces the symptoms of chronic conditions. 

At Kennedy Chiropractic, we want to help you live your healthiest life. In addition to regular chiropractic adjustments and keeping up to date on your doctor visits, practicing yoga is a great way to strengthen the body, mind, and spirit. 

What is yoga? 

Yoga is not just a body workout, nor is it simply a meditation exercise. Yoga is a combination of several elements, including postures (like child’s pose or downward dog), focused breathing, meditation, and physical relaxation. 

There are many different types of yoga, including hatha, vinyasa, even “hot” yoga done in a room with the heat turned up to 95+ degrees. Poses (sometimes called postures), can vary from easy to difficult, and the focus of any good yoga practice is on the breath. 

Yoga can be done almost anywhere by anyone, no matter your fitness level. Even lying on the floor with muscles relaxed and listening to your breath is a type of yoga! 

Here’s how a regular yoga practice can improve your overall health: 

  1. Reduce and recover from back pain. It is estimated that four out of every five people will experience back pain during their lifetime, making it one of the most common types of chronic pain. While it was long thought that staying in bed was the best way to relieve back pain, new research shows that movement actually speeds up the healing process. Yoga, which incorporates stretching, strength building, and stress relief, is a great exercise for managing back pain and reducing the likelihood of a flare-up. 
  1. Manage arthritis. Coping with osteoarthritis is a catch-22: the best way to alleviate the symptoms of stiffness and pain is through movement, yet these symptoms make it difficult to move. The gentle movement and focus on listening to your body during a yoga practice allows you to increase your range of motion without overdoing it. Yoga also strengthens muscles, which can reduce joint pain. Rheumatoid arthritis sufferers may also benefit from a yoga practice: a 2015 study of RA patients showed improvements in pain level, walking ability, and a reduction in swelling after eight weeks of regular yoga. 
  1. Build physical strength and flexibility. No matter where you are in your fitness journey, practicing yoga is a great workout. Even a light practice helps build muscle and improve flexibility, both of which lead to reduced chronic pain and easier movement in all aspects of your life. Yoga can also help improve balance and mobility issues. 
  1. Quiet a racing mind. Yoga is not all about the physical body; in fact, one of the most important parts of yoga is quieting the mind by focusing on the breath. Doing this regularly can lower blood pressure, relax the heart rate, and help you achieve mental stillness. Research has shown that people who practice yoga report lower rates of depression, anxiety, and insomnia. 
  1. …and so much more! In addition to the benefits above, yoga can help manage chronic issues like migraines, MS, fibromyalgia, and can reduce the risk of heart disease.  

How to get started with yoga

Before beginning any exercise routine, be sure to talk to your doctor. 

After you have the sign off from your doc, the best way to get started with yoga is…to start. Many people new to yoga enjoy the structure and support of a class, and you can find a variety of options for yoga classes in Wauwatosa. If you’d rather practice at home, there are plenty of free yoga videos on YouTube. All you need is an exercise mat, comfortable clothes, a towel, and perhaps a yoga block (available for just a few dollars on Amazon). 

Remember: you don’t have to be fit or even very active to do yoga. Everyone starts somewhere, and there are hundreds of yoga poses for every level of ability. You also don’t have to commit to hours each week to see results. Even 20 minutes of gentle yoga 2 days per week can have tremendous benefits. 

Medical practitioners are only beginning to understand the value of yoga to one’s physical, mental, and spiritual health. As part of a healthy lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet, stress management, and regular chiropractic adjustments, yoga is a great strategy for keeping your body and mind in top form. 

Here at Kennedy Chiropractic of Wauwatosa, we want to help you reach your health goals. Give us a call to schedule a consultation today.