Stay-Healthy Tips for Busy Parents

Stay-healthy Tips for Busy ParentsIt’s simple: life is busy. And when you have kids, it gets even busier! As a parent, you wear many hats: chef, tutor, chauffeur, housekeeper, mediator, laundry-doer, disciplinarian, etc. On top of all that, you need to sneak in time to care for yourself so you can maintain the energy to juggle all you have to do in a day. 

Here at Kennedy Chiropractic, we believe that the best thing a parent can do for their family is to make sure they themselves are healthy and thriving. Here are some of our favorite stay-healthy tips you can weave into your busy days: 

Focus on Fitness

Instead of trying to drop everything to get to the gym five days a week (realistic for some but definitely not all!), try these manageable tips: 

  • Take a walk as a family after dinner – not only will this help digestion, but it’s a great way to spend time together. 
  • Play an active game with your kids – like tag or catch with a frisbee. 
  • Sneak in exercise while getting things done: do squats while brushing your teeth, calf raises while washing the dishes, or a quick plank when you need a boost of energy at work. Or maybe some downward dog between sitting & working at your desk. 
  • Catch up with other busy friends by taking walks together or attending a fitness class. 
  • Don’t overcommit: instead of striving to get to 5 classes at the gym a week, find one or two favorites to work into your schedule. 
  • Visit a chiropractor for a quick chiropractic adjustment to ensure your body is healthy and primed for your active life. 


Enjoyable Healthy Eating

This is a tough one, especially when delicious and not-so-healthy food is so readily available. Try these tweaks to feel your best: 

  • Plan, plan, plan! If you’re looking to eat healthier, plan out a couple of days or a week’s worth of meals and snacks in advance. 
  • Have a snack, like an apple and string cheese or a handful of nuts, before grocery shopping to avoid not-so-healthy impulse buys. 
  • Portion out healthy snacks – like nuts, popcorn, cut up fruit or veggies and hummus – for grab-and-go convenience! 
  • Just like you do for your kids, keep one or two healthy snacks with you at all times to fend off hunger and keep blood sugar stable.
  • Encourage your family to help you shop and cook – kids love learning new things and exploring in the kitchen.

Restful Relaxation

Getting quality sleep is often the number one challenge for busy parents. Feel refreshed, rested, and renewed with these ideas: 

  • Turn off your phone in bed, or at least don’t check it in bed, or 30 minutes before going to bed so you can rest your mind and get ready for solid sleep. 
  • Instead of setting a firm bedtime (for yourself) each night, which could lead to stress if you miss it, try setting a 30 to 45-minute timeframe for when you’d like to fall asleep. 
  • Before you turn in, take some time to unwind by reading a book or writing down a few things about your day in a journal. 
  • Invest in blackout curtains and a white noise machine to optimize your bedroom for quality sleep. 
  • Purchase an essential oil diffuser (generally $10 to $30 on Amazon) and explore the wide range of calming scents out there, like lavender or sleep-specific blends, for a spa-like experience in your own bedroom. 
  • If you have trouble sleeping or are constantly very tired, talk to your doctor. You may be dealing with sleep apnea or another treatable condition.

Mental Health Reset

There’s an old saying: “If mama’s not happy, nobody’s happy.” Cultivating good mental health on a daily basis is crucial for being able to give of yourself to others. Maintain a happy, healthy brain with these tips: 

  • Schedule some adults-only time. Whether it is alone or with a friend or partner, it’s important to take time away from the hustle and bustle to reconnect and recharge. 
  • Find moments of peace in your busy day. Perhaps it’s those 20 minutes before the kids wake up or waiting in the car for soccer practice to end. Take this time to turn off distractions, calm your mind, and breathe deeply. 
  • Not sure how to turn off your busy brain? Download an app like Headspace or Calm for short guided meditations. 
  • It’s easy to set aside our own personal passions in the (wonderful) world of being a parent. Cultivate and interest or hobby you love and take a little time (even 30 minutes) each week to enjoy it. 

The foundation of a healthy life is a healthy body and mind. Here at Kennedy Chiropractic, we offer a wide range of services to busy parents just like you to help you feel your best. Looking for a chiropractor in Wauwatosa? Give us a call to schedule an appointment today.