How to Calm Coronavirus-Related Stress

Corona virus and chiropractic careDue to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and Safer at Home order, many of us are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress and worry in our day-to-day lives. While a little bit of stress is actually good for you, too much can be majorly disruptive to your health.

What stress does to the body

Stress is a series of reactions in your brain and body that begin with either an internal or external trigger. For many of us today, stress can be triggered by watching the news, worrying about our health or that of our loved ones, concerns about work or money…the list goes on.

Once you experience the stress trigger, your brain’s hypothalamus – a tiny control center – gives your body the signal to release stress hormones. These “fight or flight” hormones cause those familiar feelings of stress: racing heartbeat, sweaty palms, shortness of breath, and muscle tightness. These responses are meant to prepare you to react quickly in case of emergency, but when you are flooded with them day after day the health of your body is put in jeopardy.

Signs you are overly stressed

Just like other aspects of health, stress manifests itself differently in everyone. Stress can affect every aspect of life: emotions, behaviors, and mental and physical health.

Here are some common symptoms of too much stress:

  •  Lack of energy
  •  Headaches
  •  Muscle aches and tightness
  •  Insomnia or lack of ability to fall and/or stay asleep
  •  Nausea, impaired digestion, upset stomach
  •  Lack of sexual desire
  •  Chest pain and elevated heartbeat
  • Frequent illness

Simple steps to reduce stress

Whether you are holed up at home or working an essential (and likely stressful) job, here are a few simple stress-reduction tips you can try:

  • Move your body…whenever and wherever you can.​ Whether it is a couple of short walks during your day, following along to a 20-minute yoga video on YouTube, or planting your spring flowers, moving your body can reduce and relieve stress. And this does not need to be a vigorous hour-long workout; you can experience the positive benefits of exercise from any form of movement. Bonus tip: take advantage of the (mostly) nice weather and try and move around outside for an extra dose of stress-relieving Vitamin D.

    If you have trouble with mobility or balance or are dealing with chronic muscle pain, chiropractic can help you get moving again. Give Kennedy Chiropractic a call today to schedule a consultation.

  • Write down what you’re thankful for. ​Journaling is a simple yet effective way to calm the mind, sort through thoughts and feelings, and practice positivity and gratitude. Take a few minutes at the beginning or end of the day to write down 3 things you are grateful for. Keep a journal by your bed or at the kitchen table where you eat breakfast to easily weave this stress-reducing practice into your day.
  • Stay connected from a distance. ​While it is crucial to follow social distancing measures right now, you may find yourself struggling with enhanced feelings of isolation and loneliness. Over time, these feelings can cause your body to have the same chemical reactions as it does when you are chronically stressed, and may even evolve into depression. If this sounds like you, know that there is help out there – call your doctor to get connected to resources that can help.

One step you can take to combat feelings of loneliness and isolation is to schedule a phone catch up with a friend. You can also use video chat software to connect. Studies have shown that spending time with friends and family releases the stress-relieving hormone oxytocin, and the same benefits can be felt when connecting remotely. Laughter is also a great stress buster so call up that friend or relative that gets you giggling.

How chiropractic can help

If you are experiencing feelings of depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, or illness, call your doctor to get connected to resources that can help.

Seeking the support of an experienced ​chiropractor​ like Corinne Kennedy of Kennedy Chiropractic is a great strategy for reducing stress-related pain and starting on the path to life-long health. With a focus on the health of the spine and musculoskeletal system, a chiropractor can help you move better, improve balance, and reduce chronic pain – all of which will help you reduce stress in your life.

Here are just a few of the ways chiropractic adjustments can help relieve stress:

  • They reduce muscle tension throughout the body
  • They restore function – think mobility, balance, and agility – to the body by ensuring proper alignment of the spine
  • A chiropractor can help advise you about stress-reduction and relaxation techniques to enhance the benefits of the adjustment

Don’t wait one more minute to start feeling your best: schedule a consultation with Wauwatosa’s favorite chiropractor. Dr. Corinne Kennedy has extensive experience treating people of all ages and health levels with expert chiropractic care. Proudly serving clients in Wauwatosa, Milwaukee, Brookfield, Elm Grove, Waukesha, and communities across Southeast Wisconsin. Give us a call to get started today.