How a Chiropractor Can Help With Sciatica

Sciatica is a common condition impacting approximately 10% of adults – usually between the ages of 25-50 – in the U.S. Sciatica can be debilitating for those who experience it, inhibiting movement, causing shooting pain, and keeping sufferers from being able to work, exercise, bend, and twist.

Traditionally, Sciatica has been treated with medication, physical therapy, and even surgery in severe cases. However, recent research has proven the effectiveness of chiropractic in helping people experiencing Sciatica alleviate pain and improve their ability to move.

What is Sciatica? 

As the name suggests, the sciatic nerve is the center point of Sciatica. This nerve travels from the lower back through the hips and buttocks and down the legs. Sciatica is an inflammation of this nerve, causing pain to radiate throughout the lower back and travel the same path as the nerve. Typically, a Sciatica flare-up impacts only one side of the body.

When the sciatic nerve is injured or compromised, such as from a spinal bone spur, a herniated disk, or an injury caused by some trauma, the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed. This can cause shooting paint, numbness, and make it difficult to move the impacted leg.

Pain associated with Sciatica can be anywhere from mild to severe. Flare-ups of acute sciatica can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks and occur several times a year. After a flare-up, sufferers may experience numbness in their legs and lower back.

Chronic Sciatica means pain is ongoing (though generally less severe) and can last a lifetime.

How is Sciatica treated? 

A Sciatica flare-up can feel truly awful for the sufferer, but the pain usually goes away in a relatively short amount of time without any treatment. Over-the-counter pain medication can help alleviate daily pain and physical therapy (with an ongoing commitment to performing the strengthening exercises) can help in the long term. A doctor may also prescribe muscle-relaxing medication to provide additional relief.

Chiropractic is another great solution for Sciatica. The main goal of chiropractic is to improve the health of the spine and nervous system, promoting whole-body healing. Chiropractic is non-invasive and allows a patient to alleviate pain without medication, which is an attractive option for some people. Chiropractic can help alleviate Sciatica pain on its own or in tandem with other therapies.

How does a chiropractor treat Sciatica?

A chiropractor can use a number of types of therapy to treat Sciatica, including:

  • Spinal manipulation. Also known as a chiropractic adjustment, spinal manipulation is what chiropractic is best known for. It helps realign the spine, which takes the pressure off of the spinal column, improving circulation throughout the body. Spinal manipulation also improves nerve health and reduces inflammation, which lessens – and eventually heals – Sciatica pain.
  • Cold therapy. Your chiropractor may prescribe icing as a compliment to other therapies to promote ongoing healing and reduce daily inflammation of the Sciatic nerve.
  • TENS. TENS is an acronym that stands for “transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation,” and is a favorite chiropractic therapy for reducing muscle pain and tension. TENS employs a small box with wires that attach to the body to send electrical currents through the affected muscles, promoting relaxation.
  • Ultrasound therapy. Sound waves can also have a positive effect on the Sciatic nerve by disseminating a mild heat throughout the affected area. This helps promote circulation and reduce swelling, stiffness, and pain.

A chiropractor can also recommend nutritional and stress-reduction remedies to help reduce inflammation and improve overall health. Lifestyle adjustments can go a long way to healing both acute and chronic pain, like that associated with Sciatica. Everyone is different so the therapies that work for you may be different from those that work for someone else. No matter what, always consult your doctor before making any changes to your health routine.

At Kennedy Chiropractic, Dr. Corinne Kennedy helps patients in Wauwatosa, Brookfield, Waukesha, Milwaukee, Elm Grove, and surrounding communities with expert chiropractic care. Are you experiencing pain associated with Sciatica, whiplash, or just not feeling your best? Give Kennedy Chiropractic a call to schedule a consultation today.