Chiropractic Care & Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The American College of Rheumatology estimates that anywhere from four to 10 million Americans experience carpal tunnel syndrome, making it the most common nerve disorder. Middle-aged and older adults are most commonly affected, with women almost three times more likely than men to experience carpal tunnel syndrome.

The most common cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is repetitive motion of the hands and wrists that leads to irritation and inflammation of the carpal (wrist) bones and the median nerve. Luckily, chiropractic care can provide relief from and treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. Read on to learn more about this common disorder and how a chiropractor can help.

NOTE: Because other conditions need to be ruled out before carpal tunnel syndrome can be accurately diagnosed, consult your physician before seeking chiropractic or other health care solutions.

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a collection of symptoms that occur in the hand and wrist as a result of irritation and compression of the median nerve, which runs through a passage in the wrist called the carpal tunnel. When functioning correctly, the median nerve provides feeling and sensation to the thumb, index, and middle fingers. When this nerve is compressed, you may feel pain, numbness, and tingling in these fingers, in the hand, or even shooting up the arm. These are the most common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is most commonly caused by improper positioning and repetitive motion of the hand and wrist. Other causes may include misalignment in the arm, wrist, or upper back. People with jobs that require a lot of computer work and typing, those who use their phones frequently, and those in professions that require repetitive hand and wrist motion are at a greater risk of experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome.

If not correctly diagnosed and treated, the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can worsen over time. Many people report increased symptoms at night, often causing interrupted sleep.

How a chiropractor can help

Chiropractors are experts in the body’s musculoskeletal and nervous systems, focusing on how the bones, joints, and nerves interact to contribute to pain, limited mobility, and inflammation in the body. Through manipulation and adjustment of the upper spine, arm, and wrist, we can improve range of motion in the joints, thus relieving tension and pressure on the median nerve that leads to carpal tunnel syndrome. We can also offer advice on proper hand and wrist positioning to avoid future flare-ups.

Another solution we offer at Kennedy Chiropractic that can be helpful in treating carpal tunnel syndrome is Ultrasound Therapy. Ultrasound Therapy emits targeted sound waves that penetrate muscle tissue to relax tension, reduce pain, and alleviate inflammation. When focused on the upper spine, arm, and wrist, Ultrasound Therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing or even eliminating symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Everyone deserves to live a healthy, happy life free from pain. No matter your age, chiropractic can help keep you mobile, balanced, and feeling great. I’m Dr. Corinne Kennedy. Here at Kennedy Chiropractic, I help patients across Wauwatosa and surrounding communities alleviate back and neck pain, treat whiplash, and address carpal tunnel syndrome and many other issues that limit the ability to live a full and healthy life. For questions or to schedule an adjustment, give us a call today.