Can a Chiropractor Help with Fibromyalgia?

Among the most common diagnoses for those experiencing chronic pain, Fibromyalgia is estimated to impact nearly 2% of American adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. That equates to about 4 million people.

Though common, Fibromyalgia is not a well-understood condition in the medical field. It is difficult to diagnose, as symptoms of fibromyalgia – widespread pain, fatigue, depression – are also found in a variety of other conditions. It is also difficult to treat; while many medical professionals prescribe pain medication for fibromyalgia patients, there is ample evidence to suggest that lifestyle changes, including getting regular chiropractic adjustments, can help treat and manage the condition.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition most notable for causing pain throughout the body. Other symptoms of the condition include excessive sleep, mood swings, depression, problems thinking and concentrating, headaches, and possible numbness and digestive issues.

People of any age may suffer from fibromyalgia, though middle-aged and older individuals are more likely to be diagnosed with the condition. People with other chronic conditions like Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis may also be at a higher risk for developing Fibromyalgia.

Other potential risk factors for the condition include gender (women being more likely than men to experience Fibromyalgia), obesity, repetitive injury or overuse, and family history. People who have experienced a traumatic event or surgery may also be at an increased risk for Fibromyalgia.

Once again, there is a lot that we do not know about Fibromyalgia and its causes. However, we do know that medication is not the only option when it comes to managing this chronic condition.

How a chiropractor can help treat and manage Fibromyalgia:

  • Provide pain relief through spinal manipulation. When people hear the word “chiropractic,” they likely think of spinal manipulation, or “adjustment.” Chiropractic focuses on improving the health of the whole body by aligning the spine and the musculoskeletal system, thus improving communication pathways between the nervous system and the brain, muscles, and skeleton. Scientists theorize that Fibromyalgia is caused by miscommunication between the brain and the body’s pain receptors, causing the brain to “feel” pain more acutely. By aligning the spine through regular chiropractic adjustments, the body’s whole nervous system comes into better alignment, allowing the body to better communicate pain signals to the brain. While not a quick fix, regular chiropractic adjustments can have a major impact on Fibromyalgia-related pain.
  • Treat pain through innovative therapeutic techniques. While every chiropractor is different, Dr. Corinne Kennedy specializes in a variety of therapeutic techniques that help patients treat and manage chronic pain, including red light therapy, infrared therapy, trigger point therapy, ultrasound therapy, moist heat/ice therapy, and more. The therapy (or combination of therapies) that is right for you will depend on your unique condition and experiences with Fibromyalgia-related pain.
  • Suggest lifestyle changes. Because of their focus on whole-body wellness, chiropractors are uniquely positioned to understand Fibromyalgia and its symptoms and treatment from a holistic perspective. Chiropractors don’t just provide solutions to chronic conditions in their offices, many of them are also highly knowledgeable about nutrition, movement, and other elements of a healthy lifestyle. Movement is extremely important in the ongoing management of Fibromyalgia pain, yet many sufferers find themselves moving less due to pain. A chiropractor can suggest strategies for keeping your body moving while managing pain as well as nutrition tips to aid in symptom management.

NOTE: Consult your doctor before trying any treatment. 

There is ample evidence to suggest that chiropractic treatments can successfully treat and manage Fibromyalgia-related and other types of chronic pain. Chiropractic as a pain solution also allows for the option to avoid taking medication, if that is a concern for you. You may also find that your chronic condition is best managed by a combination of treatments. No matter what, if you are looking for a chiropractor in Wauwatosa, Brookfield, Milwaukee, or Elm Grove who specializes in making people feel their best, look no further. Give Dr. Corinne Kennedy at Kennedy Chiropractic a call today to get started on the road to feeling your very best.