A Chiropractor’s Tips for Fight the Flu this Season

Prevent Sickness | Wauwatosa ChiropractorChanging leaves, cooler weather, and shorter days means flu season is upon us. In addition to getting a yearly flu vaccine, there are a number of ways to protect yourself and your loved ones from catching the flu this year.

You may not consider your chiropractor when it comes time to protect yourself from the flu, but did you know there is a strong connection between chiropractic care and a healthy immune system? Read on for easy tips to protect yourself and others from the flu this year in the cold Wauwatosa weather:

Make Regular Visits to Your Chiropractor

The best way to fight off infection is to keep your immune system working correctly. The spine is actually the home of your nervous system, which controls immune response to diseases like the flu. When your spine is out of alignment, it is impossible for your immune system to work as well as it should.

A visit to the chiropractor for an adjustment will help ensure the proper functioning of your immune system, helping you avoid a cold or flu. Chiropractors use back pain relief treatments and therapy to find and repair disturbances or misalignments in your spine, which improves the way your nervous system is able to control immunity to disease.

Already had the flu or a cold this year? A chiropractic adjustment, even after you’ve overcome a disease, can ensure your immune system gets back on track and will protect you for the rest of the season.

Always Wash Your Hands

A flu virus can live on skin and other surfaces for up to 48 hours, so it is important to wash your hands regularly. This is particularly important for young children, as they tend to suck their thumbs and put things into their mouth, increasing the chances of catching the flu.

Make a habit of washing your hands before a meal, after using the bathroom, and before any other situation where you may be touching your eyes, nose or mouth, such as before putting in contacts or flossing. Encourage your children to get into this habit, too!


Whether it’s walking, sledding, ice skating, doing a workout video indoors, or having a dance party with your kids, physical exercise helps your immune system fight off infection. Aim for 30 minutes 3-4 days per week, and find an activity you enjoy doing so it is easier to form a habit.

Eat Right

In addition to regular exercise, a healthy diet will help your immune system fight off the flu.

In particular, vitamin C is a great immune-boosting nutrient. Add a few of these vitamin C-rich foods to your diet each day: citrus fruits like oranges or grapefruits (in season in the winter), leafy greens, red bell pepper, sesame seeds, broccoli, and brussels sprouts.

Another great source of vitamin C is green tea. Try replacing your morning coffee or brewing a cup to overcome the mid-afternoon slump.

Add Vitamin D3 to Your Day

In the wintertime, it is common to spend much more time indoors. This means we are getting less time in the sun and less vitamin D, an important nutrient that aids in immune function. In the warmer months, our body produces vitamin D3 just by being exposed to the sun’s rays. Shorter days with less sun in the winter make these opportunities scarce.

Taking a supplemental D3 vitamin during the winter will help. Be sure to purchase a D3 supplement with vitamin K included, which helps your body use the vitamin D3. Most grocery stores or pharmacies carry this supplement. For proper dosage, multiply your weight by 35.

Here at Kennedy Chiropractic, we want to help you stay healthy this season. Make an appointment for an adjustment and consultation today!